UVCE Alumni Association is the parent body which can work as a platform for all UVCEians to network and work towards making UVCE a better place. We had started a petition to “Revive the Alumni Association” few days back and you can read about it here.
But even more disturbing events are taking place and we want every UVCE alumni to stand up and oppose it. For that, we would like to share the timeline of events taking place from past few months:
- AAUVCE AGM on 15th Juy 2017 : 51st AGM was conducted on 15th July, 2015 where lot of concerns about elections, members list and by-law copy were raised. A committee was formed to discuss about the By-law but there has been no further update about it. Elections related matter was hushed up. B. N Anand (71 Batch) written a letter to the President of Alumni Association regarding this matter before the meeting but there was no response given.
- Petition filed on 14th August 2017 : Because there was no response provided, B N Anand proceeded to file a petition to the Registrar of Societies. Below is the picture of the same. In this letter, he mentions that the elections have not been conducted for long time (around 20 years) and we request that the direction is given to conduct the same in transparent manner (and nothing else). There are few alumni signatures included in it.
- Notice by Registrar Office on 26th August 2017: A Notice is sent to the Association about the above mentioned concerns and the Office Bearers are directed to attend the hearing on 8th September 2017. The image below clearly states the same.
- Few hearings are deferred by the Deputy Registrar due to the fact the Respondents (AAUVCE representatives) were not present and due time was given to them to respond. But B N Anand or one of the senior alumni have always been present to all the hearings.
- Response by AAUVCE on 17th November 2017: In this letter handed over by their legal representative, the office bearers respond saying the complaint is false. They claim only 21 out of 44 signatures are of the members and rest are not. In Page 2, they claim that elections will be held on January 2018 as per By-law. The detailed Response in 3 Pages are here
- Letters and mails from VisionUVCE : Since we did not get proper update about the “Alumni Day” organized by AAUVCE on Nov 26th, 2017 (many alumni even now do not know about it), we requested for details to be published in Sampada magazine. Also, we started giving letter personally at the Association Office requesting for details of Members and By-law copy. We have written letters every week initially and then switched to mails since none of the Office bearers were available at the Office. Here are couple of screenshots of the same for which we got no response from the office bearers. But, few alumni supported our questions and said it would be good to have a meeting.
- Alumni Hall for Meeting on January 27th, 2018: We decided a date for the meeting and requested for the Association Hall to discuss about organizing an event for Centenary Celebrations. We got the confirmation to use the hall only at 11 AM on 27th because Maj Gen Neelakantappa called and asked them. On the day of the meeting also, many points were raised about AAUVCE but we agreed to discuss about it separately as suggested some of the seniors. After the meeting, we requested Dr Rangaraj, Secretary of Alumni Association to share the details of members and by-law copy with us again to which he had agreed and asked us to write our mail-ids again. He also promised to look into solving the petition issue amicably with all parties included.
- Continued our Mail conversation : We continued writing mails consistently asking for updates to Vasudevmurthy, Rangaraj and others and were supported by few other alumni as well. There was no response from them about it. Here are screenshots of the same.
- Permission to use Alumni Hall Denied on Feb 13th: We wanted to have a Follow-up meeting for the event to be organized in May/June and requested the Hall for everyone to gather. We were denied and here is the reply from Rangaraj, secretary of AAUVCE- ” Based on the discussion I had during the Executive Committee (EC) meeting of AAUVCE, it was reiterated by the EC to get the legal opinion in the prevailing circumstances before moving forward to make sure that there are no issues later in all matters. In view of this, we are awaiting the legal opinion before we can take any decision.”
- Signature Campaign to Revive Alumni Association on Mar 5th : Along with GovindLakshman from 71 batch, we started a petition to revive AAUVCE and PadmaVibhushan Awardees Dr M R Sreenivasan, Prof Rhoddam Narasimha, Dr V K Aatre, Maj Gen Neelakantappa and many other seniors signed. We even started an online petition about the same. You can sign the petition – “Sign the Petition” and check the signatures that were made offline in the comments section
- Mar 24th Hearing at Deputy Registrar : Anand and other alumni had continued their appearances before the Deputy Registrar. Last Saturday on Mar 24th, the lawyer of AAUVCE was denied submitting any further documents (which was about AGM and other details and nothing related to elections) and the Deputy Registrar said to collect the Order copies of the decision on Monday 26th. The proceedings were postponed to April 7th (instead of Mar 26th) due to various reasons.
With this background, we were shocked to hear today when we heard that Election notification had been already and last date to file Nomination is already over. The Notification was put up in the First Floor Conference Room which nobody has any idea about. The photos of the notification on the Board are as below:
It says this Notification was made on February 23rd about the Elections and the last date for Nominations are already over on Mar 21st, 2018. Date of Elections are supposedly on April 28th. There was only one nomination for the President and Vice-President posts – VasudevMurthy and Dr Rangaraj respectively and no elections are required for these posts.
We have the below questions to the office bearers of AAUVCE-
- We constantly inquired about the elections both personally and over mail to which there was no response whatsoever. Why?
- Were all the members informed about the due process? If yes, how? As notified in the Notice, it was supposedly made on 23rd February. There was no mention about it anywhere in Newspapers. What was the necessity to paste the Notice in First Floor which no one generally uses since all the rooms are rented out. Why not in the Corridor or Alumni Hall itself?
- Why is there a website then? – www,aauvce.org – There is no announcement there that we can find.
- Why did the legal representative not mention about Elections in front of the Deputy Registrar even on Mar 24th, Saturday? All the witnesses will acknowledge the fact that he just mentioned about AGM and nothing else.
- The nominations for the Executive Committee – Again, How did they come to know about the election process when none of us who have been making trips to Association have been informed anything?
There are even more grave questions here and we request all the alumni to raise their voice against this mockery of the entire democratic system. Is this how an Association named after the most prestigious institution of Karnataka is operated transparently? This is not the time to sit quietly nor feel sad that nothing can be done. We need your support in all ways possible. Stand up against this activity which is being conducted in an unjust manner and talk to everyone whom you know about it. The people who have nominated should also be questioned if they are in gloves with the present office bearers. The alumni should stand united and take initiatives on their own to make Alumni Association transparent and democratic. Will you stand with us?