New year brings us good news – UVCE Act 2021 was passed in the assembly granting the autonomous status to UVCE and taking it to next level. Know all about it – watch as it happened and how UVCE Graduates Association wants to move ahead in this direction inside this edition.
Mechanical Block – infrastructure concerns – highlighted in the newspaper article is shared along with few updates/queries. Apart from this, we also share a concern from a Final Year student about the marks card issues they have been facing since past 3.5 years.
There are also stories to cheer about – IEEE UVCE being awarded at Bangalore Section level, Nasir Ahmed from 1961 batch being documented about his contribution and much more inside..
With all the pandemic scare and other activities, you might have totally forgot about the UVCE Alumni Association and its defunct nature. Well, some sad things have happened w.r.t it as well. Read about it in the edition with a complete timeline links provided.
Have you got a chance to listen to the episodes for UVCE Chronicles? Check out all the episodes here – UVCE Chronicles on Spotify
We, team Sampada, pray once again that you are safe and healthy. We hope you enjoy this edition. Let us know your thoughts. Please write to us at and we will be elated!