Some of the important milestones during the hundred years journey of UVCE is captured in this timeline
School of Engineering was started
School of Engineering was paved to become College of Engineering starting with total of 40 students in Civil & Mechanical engineering branches in the PWD building. The college was affiliated to Mysore University
The first batch of 29 students graduated as engineers.
In addition to Civil and Mechanical, Electrical Branch of Engineering was begun. The College became the first institution in India to offer a specialized course in electrical engineering at degree level
The Alumni Association was formed after graduated students felt the need to form an association to stay in touch with their Alma Mater.
Affiliation of the college changed from Mysore University to Bangalore University
A Five year course in Architecture was begun and hence Department of Architecture was established.
UVCE turns 50 and to mark this achievement, Golden Jubilee Celebrations were conducted grandly. The Electronics Engineering Department was established.
The College was renamed as Visvesvaraya College of Engineering in honor of our founder Sir M Visvesvaraya.
The institution was named as University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering since people failed to recognize the institution which was earlier known as University College of Engineering.
A new block for Civil Engineering Course studies named as Civil Block was inaugurated at JnanaBharathi Campus.
Alumni Association celebrates the completion of 25 years and a Silver Jubilee Building was proposed to be built near K R Circle in between the Mechanical block and Mysore Engineers Association Building.
Under the aegis of IEEE, the student branch of IEEE was started in the college for technical fostering.
The Department of Computer Science Engineering was established.
The Training and Placement Office was started by Dr M Channa Reddy for the purpose of interacting with companies and ensuring placements for students in the campus.
A new Library building was inaugurated by SM Yahya, Higher Education Minister, GoK and K Hanumanthappa, Vice chancellor(then), Bangalore University
The Department of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering was carved out of Electrical Engineering Department.
IEEE UVCE Student Branch was revived and ever since has been running successfully until now.
A new course for the studies of Information Science Engineering was initiated. Also, a new building next to rock garden, Lecture Complex, was inaugurated by G Parameshwar, Minister of Higher Education,GoK(then).
A new independent department for the existing Computer Science Engineering studies was established.
Open Air Theatre was inaugurated by HA Ranganath, Vice chancellor, Bangalore University (then)
UVCE Mega Reunion was conducted which saw UVCE Alumni from various batches attend in a two-day celebration event at Palace Grounds, Bengaluru.
A total of 1000+ offers were crossed for the hiring of UVCE students in globally reputed companies with a very good ratio of students to jobs.
In honour of UVCE Centennial feat, various events – Centenary Marathon, Teachers Day, Avalokana Launch- were organized, which saw great participation from alumni, faculty and students.
UVCE Payana, Avalokana 2 Launch- were organized from the alumni, continuing the centenary celebrations. Also, the Sri Siddaramiah, Chief Minister of Karnataka(then), laid the foundation stone for college renovation and new structures. And, CBCS scheme was introduced for the new batch of students.