Namaskaara UVCEians!Christmas brings joy and happiness, so is this edition of SAMPADA as it arrives into your inbox,
bubbling with energy and enthusiasm!
Centenary Celebrations is just round the corner and VisionUVCE has planned few events to make it more merrier, inside are more details. We will be ecstatic to have you onboard and join hands with us to make these events possible. To look into the “Centenary Timeline” in the website, click here
November was abuzz with INSPIRON and FIESTA taking the stage and for all of you who missed it, don’t worry, all the pictures, the zest of event is out up for you to reminisce and enjoy. This edition is crafted to bring you thoughts of our students, alumni recalling their memories, interactions with some great UVCEians and much more.
We have the detailed breakdown of VisionUVCE finance details for the year 2015-2016 and planning to update the current year details too shortly. We thank you all for your constant efforts support towards VisionUVCE and its activities. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance! Happy Reading!