To celebrate the release of the 100th edition of your ‘Window to UVCE’, we sat down to chat with the team that brings together this wonderful magazine every month. Here’s the interview:
1. What is the constant motto that keeps you going about SAMPADA?
Satish: “Sampada has been part of the lifestyle now. It has become a habit. Over the 8 years, it has helped me to evolve, improve my skillsets, expand my network. Moreover, Sampada is being published without any expectations of return. It is done only for self-satisfaction. And knowing people enjoy reading about their alma-mater has helped to keep it going. We do not worry about the number of responses since
whenever we meet someone they mention about receiving Sampada and reading it when they get time.”
Megha: “To me Sampada is a discipline that we own up to promising to create a change with every article we write, with every thought we share and with every soul we reach. My friends who are a source of constant motivation and the people who experience the wonderful essence of UVCE are the main driving force to bring about more journals and to spread smiles everywhere.”
Chitra: “Every alumnus holds a pride in the name of ‘UVCEian’ and SAMPADA is the platform that provides that reason every single month to all Alumni. Overloaded with updates from all spheres in connection to UVCE on alumni and student side whilst bridging the gap between them, SAMPADA treads to bring the proud smile on a reader’s face and little is left to imagine what a member on the team would feel like in
such a case. With every edition the learning you get on the team is unique and bewilders how any amount of time is never enough to completely learn of UVCE and its glory!
2. Where and how do you wish to see SAMPADA 50 editions later at the 150th Mark?
Satish: “It’s just not 100 or 150 number that matters. It’s about the content and I would like to keep Sampada more relevant to both students and alumni in equal manner. Knowing about the alumni, learning from their experiences and getting inspired by their achievements on one side. Meanwhile, alumni knowing what’s happening in the campus, how the current students are making progress etc. Sampada should continue to exist as ‘Your Window to UVCE!’ “.
Megha: “We can definitely see Sampada basking in the glory of its 150’s edition. With every new edition, we get jittery and nervous about the next copy, as to how it will be what to write and I wish to celebrate Sampada’s 150th, 200th and more editions with the same energy and enthusiasm as with each new edition.”
Chitra: “I would say through the journey of a 100 editions, SAMPADA has evolved every month to be presented to the reader in the best possible manner and it was not easy. Growth is what always SAMPADA has seeked for the benefit of its readers and on the occasion of the 100th edition, the promise of the team is, be it 50 or 100 more editions later, the focus shall always be to grow more and more and
spotlight on bringing the best about UVCE to the readers. That is the Vision! “
3. What do you think is missing currently from Sampada?
Satish: “We need more sustained effort to gather information of the previous batches, alumni profiles and information about their achievements. All the past data are very essential for the younger generation. The struggles, extra effort required in those days are always inspirational. Also, some focus on feedback section is very essential.”
Megha: “We would love for Sampada to reach more people, more alumni, more students to share with them all the experiences, joy, sorrows, memories associated with our college that are all clubbed into Sampada, a window to UVCE. We create to reminisce.”
Chitra: “Sampada has the potential to do wonders beyond limits and create a unified force in the community of UVCEian (alumni and current students) but currently that capability is curtailed. The dream will be fulfilled once more alumni and students are reached so that more detailing to the admiration and glory of UVCE can be sketched. More involvement of the readers in content idea generation and guidance along with strong feedback on the outlay would supplement Sampada.”
4. What is your best experience of SAMPADA?
Satish: “Interviewing senior alumni has always been very eventful. I learnt designing. The best part I have had working with Sampada is following the strict schedule. This has taught me self-discipline.”
Megha: “The best part about Sampada is reaching out to people, sharing stories of UVCE, memories of friends and accomplishing all this with my family from UVCE whilst having a great time celebrating with each edition. I have learned to express more with my writing and hope to continue to do justice in expressing other’s views and memories through Sampada.”
Chitra: “The valuable experiences I have gained during every single one of my interactions with a Senior Alumni always has left me awe inspired and filled with zeal. The ample skills that I have learnt from designing to editing to polishing my vocabulary has strengthened me to a great extent and every single edition prep is a great learning experience in itself.”
5. According to you what is SAMPADA’s sole goal?
Megha: “We aim to create to reminisce. We hope to cherish Sampada for what it is and what it means to us. We try to share the marvels of our wondrous college and tag with them the experiences of many and only hope to continue to do this. We aspire to inspire more people to share their memories and help them share it with the world of UVCE. Our wish is to exist for a long time bringing a smile on every reader’s face and go on with more enthusiasm sharing joy.”
Chitra: “The sole motivation that drove SAMPADA to begin, continue and aim for the future has always been to bring the entire UVCE community together and document every single detail of happening in relation to UVCE, a legendary institution of this country. True to its meaning of being ‘Your Window to UVCE’, the singular motto is to always be the reader’s window into UVCE and its current state of affairs and this shall continue for time to come!”